
Remove that Brick

I feel like we have removed a lot of brick from our house (Do not worry, it is not off the house itself). But if you remember, when we were cleaning up the backyard there was a lot, I repeat, a lot of brick all over. And then in the basement, there was this brick box (looked like a planter box but we are not sure what it was used for). Sorry pictures are yellow because of all the yellow paneling in the room.

 The last couple of weeks my husband has been removing the brick box. He would have removed it all at once but all of it would not fit in the garage can, so it took a couple of weeks. Look at his cute little helpers...

We were very happy that the bricks came out in one piece and the whole thing was not hard at removing.

Removing the box opened up some space in the room. But this is just one more thing we can cross of the list to finish the basement. And the best part was the whole project was FREE...

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