
Try, Try again- Planting Grass

After our first attempt to grow some grass, this is what our backyard looked like by the end of summer. Really sad, is the only word for it. After planting the seed and watering, the temp got a little to hot to fast and weeds took over the backyard. To say the least, we gave up until fall (our summer/spring was really hot this year). Here is our backyard the middle of September, after the temp was around 70, most days.
 We did have some grass grow and I must say I did not water it the whole summer, looks good right...

 We decided this time we were going to get a tiller and till everything (no more weeds please). Our neighbors are amazing and had a tiller that they let us use. It took a little bit of time to get use to but once the hubby got the hang of it, things went smooth. 
 Still can not believe he did it in his flip flops. Oh and this is the part that we lost a wheel on the tiller. We had to take a break and try to find the parts (in the end we could only find one part and had to go to the store to get new parts, only cost $3)
 At least the kids were having a good time...
 After a break, we got back to work and tilled the yard two times. I was raking the dirt to make it all level.
 Then we put in our sandbox (still working on a tutorial for this one but it will come soon) and we were ready for seed again. I did it just like the first time, here.
 After three weeks, this is what our backyard looks like. We did have a scare of snow one morning. But this time our ground has stayed all day, last time it was so hot we would have had to water all day. The true test will be next spring but we are hopping for the best...
Here is a picture from our first attempt, see the weeds in the bottom then in the back there is grass, this is were we still have grass. Things are looking a lot better this time around. 

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