
Growing Some Green

After we had cleaned up our backyard (see what it looked like before here), we were ready to plant some grass. After raking the yard to loosen the soil and removing all the dying grass, we were ready for seed.

But lets look at some pictures of the yard before planting some grass seed.

 Supplies Needed:
-Grass Seed
-Grass Spreader
-Add Lots of H2O (water)

I used two bags of grass seed for just our backyard. Place seed into the spreader and set to the right setting.
 Then go to town at spreading that seed.
Then, I took the rake and lightly/carefully raked the ground again. This helps the seed get buried with soil. 

I watered at least two times a day, making sure the ground was always a little wet.

After 10 days, we had a little bit of green coming up.
 After two weeks, we put Grass Starter on to help the grass grow better.

 And after weeks, weeks, and weeks (3.5 weeks) of doing this at least two times a day.
 We have this...
 Some green...
 I have never planted grass but I am hoping it will fill in. We are going to give it two months to see what happens. Still looks better then before, that's improvement.
We also have some growing in our garden. A pepper is growing and some peas are coming in..... Happy day!

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