
Upstairs Bathroom

I have a couple projects going on right now. But I decided I needed to stop them and address our bathroom. Because it has some problems and some are sad to show you.
Problem #1- Grout
The grout is breaking in many spots on the floor. This needs to be fixed before it becomes a bigger issue.

Problem #2- Sealing Grout

I do not think this has been done for awhile because the grout is staining.
Problem #3- Caulk
The caulking in this bathroom is not good and not doing its job.
Problem #4- Wall Paper
Problem #5- Paint Peeling
Problem #6- Trim

The trim is coming away from the wall and need to be painted white.

Problem #7- Fix hardware (that was painted over)
Problem #8- New towel holder
Problem #9- Paint, Paint, and Paint...
Lets get this done!

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