
Removing Old Laundry Poles

In our backyard, we have two laundry poles that take up a lot of room. We decided we wanted to remove them so we could rearrange things and add some things. 

We thought that the poles would be cemented 2 feet down but we were really wrong about that. After my husband had dug down 3 feet and still no end we new we had a lot of work ahead of us.
 The top of the pole broke off were it meets the ground, maybe a good thing we are taking these down.
 A friend was nice and lended us their sledge hammer. 
 About a month after starting this project, we were hoping this was the last time we would have to look at this pole.
 And it was. We (I really mean, my husband) started hitting the pole not the cement. This made cracks in the cement and finally the pole came out. We decided to leave the rest of the cement because it was deep in the ground. In the picture below, my husband is holding his digging pole that is 6 ft long and it is in the bottom of the hole. 
 This whole pole was cemented into the ground about 4 1/2 ft. The whole time we were working on this pole, we were wondering what they were thinking. 
 Just a big hole, swimming pool anyone???
 After filling in as much of the hole, plus old sand box, as we could, this is what our backyard looks like. 
We plan on add a patio were I am standing, adding garden boxes along the fence to the left, and move the sandbox over to more were the pole was. Then plant new grass! And then one day, we will build a shed around were the other pole is.

 The old sandbox/pole. Were new sandbox will be away from the power-line pole, just need to decide the size
 Still need to take the bricks to the dump.
 Here is the other pole
 And its hole, just like the last one. 
This weekend we are hoping to remove this pole (but we will see about that) and I am going to make start on garden boxes, tutorial to come.

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