
New Windows

After buying our home, we decided that we needed new windows because they were pretty drafty and it gets really cold/hot here in Utah. We got lots of bids and after taking about it. We decided to install them with the help of my father (who has installed lots of windows). We saved over $1200 dollars by doing them ourselves, not bad. Here are our windows before
and after, so pretty...
 Of course the day we decide to put in windows it decides to snow. We started the morning by taking three trips to the dump and trimming some trees. Around 12:30, we decided to try one window to see how things were going to go. After getting the one window in, I had to go do some errands and left the men. Got back at 5:30 and they had done 7 windows! 
 The front window was the hardest window and took the longest. Working into the night to get this one in.
 We still have to finish them up. By removing the old inside window and spraying foam to fill in the holes then caulk.

 We will have to add a little bit of wood to fill in the top of every window because the old window sat up a little higher on the inside.
 We will have to do some wall patch up.
 The only window that we measured wrong was the front window and we were off by about a 1/2 inch. See the wood, mistake by us. Installing windows is really not has hard as you would think but I would still have someone there that has done it before.

 To remind you of before
After the new windows, the shutters are waiting for a face lift.

Soon we will be able to install our binds that have been sitting in our house for about two months. No more sheets and tape.

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